Respect, Responsibility,
& Reverence
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's School Board Members are appointed to the school board from the regional parishes. These board members serve the school through quarterly board meetings and various events throughout the year. Once a year, typically in May, SEAS hosts an open school board meeting to plan for the upcoming year, which all parents are invited to.
To contact the school board, please e-mail [email protected]The mission of the Board is to promote quality Catholic education for all children whose parents desire to take advantage of such an opportunity. Diocesan guidelines provide for regional pastors and the Episcopal Vicar to serve as members of the Corporate Board.
The School Board of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School is made up of the regional pastors, lay representatives from each parish who are appointed by the pastor, and the school principal, who serves an ex-officio member.
There are several sub-committees that work under the guidance of School Board members. Any interested parent may join any of these committees. If interested, please contact a School Board member, the administration, or a member of the committee.
The committees are: